The Draft Project is the work preliminary to the definition of a project. Therefore in a draft project we define the basic lines of various logistics solutions to the same challenge. From consultancy, oncethe customer profile is known (audit) we will look for solutions that are operative, applicable and profitable.
To that end, in the draft project, as we mentionedbefore, we will start by definingthe requirementsand objectives that our client establishes for us (which are collected in the preliminary phase of logistics audit).
Once these are known, thinking then about whether it is a conventional warehouse, or an automated one (robotized); we will proceed to capture several alternatives, all of which allow the established objectives to be achieved.
Although our specialized natureleads us to customize each of our projects, the points that define and usually make up our draft projects are as follows:
- Lay-outs of scenarios/alternative options.
- Defining the basic operations planned for each.
- Reflecting on the capacities the scenarios offer.
- Typology of implemented operating systems and their estimated productivity.
- Investments forecast.
- Definition of temporary durability.