Collection of various items according to customer order for all of them together constitute a batch . In the collection made by the method of guidance given by the order itself , the collection stands are traversed one by one according to a global list drawn (collection in one step ) : When it comes to large orders , part of the list overall circulated for several operators in parallel will completing the order. If the collection is made will be guided by the articles themselves (collection in two phases ) in the first stage the same item will be collected to fill multiple orders and in a second step the item among the orders will be distributed. This process is also known as reverse logistics – picking .
Time picking
Is time employee and necessary for making a request. To determine the overall performance of system maintenance, respectively, of a storage system , calculate the value of the average time spent per position.
Is the number of movements made by a specific operator in a given area . It is usually measured units (pallets , etc. ….) for hours.