
Departure area Is the area where orders are placed ready, waiting to be loaded on the truck for later delivery. Consolidation Grouping process compatible partial loads and destination in order to hold and use cheaper costs involved in transportation. Note Package Also known as a packing list. Document describing the amount, size and weight of…

Test EMF

The European Mainterance Federation (EMF) has fixed in their trial test protocols. among others, the minimum requirement, with respect to stability of the mechanical mainterance: on a bascule platform are simulated the overturning efforts that it generated during stacking operations and it stawed on flat surface.


EAN  number, is a system barcode adopted by over 100 countries and nearly one million businesses. For product identification code EAN13 EAN is most common, comprising 13 digit . The EAN 128 is mainly used for identifccacion of dispatch units for all types of goods and packages in any format or transport packaging.