Cantilevered shelves (also called Cantilever)

They are used to sotre elongated goods. Their uprights, arrangend in its central part, carry on both sides projectung supports. – Specification: each uprights of shelveswill here equipped with several arms (handles), most of them from both sides. The distance between the uprights will depend to the weight of type of the store. The depth…

Double shelf

Simple shelves placed parallel to each other and linked together by some piece calledn “separators”. Double retraction forklift can stack two pallets along, one behind the other in a double helf. In this way it is save every second corridor. The penetration depth enables construction of scissor form.

Dynamic shelving

Buiding system of shelves in which the pallet placed in the first place are also the first to be removed. The paññets are placed on a profile ensure and are automatically glide on rollers with a slope of 2% to 4%. On one side they are loaded the shelves with pallets and for the other…

Double entry shelves

It called in this way a system of shelves that it permits the stacking block pressure sensitive genres. These shelves require, however, the steel superstructure construction to ensure its stability, wich considerable more expensive installation.

Transfer station or interfaces

A facility, such as inland ports, lake, sea ports, fiscal deposit, warehouse, dry ports, airports, beaches for the railway or road transport or similar, on which converging on different transport modes, with adequate infrastructure and fitted of equipment for he handling loads and their packaging (container, pallets, bags or any other that it colud be…

Centralization Station

It serve to focus the pallet loads. In store whit stackers for high lift heights, just to focus. They are emploced at the beginning of the roes of cantilelevered shelves and being accessible for both sides.

Managed Freight Company and / or Management Stock

Subcategory Fractional Load Carrier. Must have accredit 1) adequate local structure suitable for the collection of goods, 2) adequate IT organization to reliably verify compliance with delivery time and monitor the status of stock of goods and 3) human resources structure that the company and its operations center in accordance with the registration requested.